

十大彩票网赌平台 adheres to core values of integrity, community, social justice, respect, and responsibility.  We deeply care about the health, well-being, safety, and success of our students and 我们的员工.  In support of these goals, the College created the 十大彩票网赌平台关怀小组.

十大彩票网赌平台 CARE团队

  • is a group of 十大彩票网赌平台 staff comprised of members from student affairs, public safety, 心理咨询部门.
  • is designed to intervene early and provide support to students displaying emotional 或者痛苦的行为.
  • utilizes a proactive and multi-disciplinary approach in support of the safety, health, 以及所有学生、教职员工的福祉.
  • acts to promote a safe and effective learning environment
  • meets bi-weekly during the year and at other times as needed to develop potential interventions tailored to the student of concern and coordinate follow-up on a case-by-case 基础.
  • assists faculty and staff with strategies to interact in the support of students of concern who are struggling or having a difficult time.

Although the Care Team is often updated on instances of student code of conduct violations, 犯罪行为等. - the Care Team role in these matters is as an advisory group to the offices directly managing the situation (Dean of Students Office, Department 公共安全DPS等.)

护理小组是一个以学生为中心的小组.  转发有关员工的报告 directly to the Human Resources Office or immediate supervisor.


The best way to contact the Care Team is through the Care Team contact form.




The report will be reviewed by member(s) of the Care Team to assess the situation and determine on a case-by-case 基础, what outreach or interventions may be needed.  In some cases, the report will not trigger outreach or intervention at all as the 情况可能只需要监控.  护理小组的成员可能会与您联系 获取后续信息.  护理小组将无法提供信息 关于外联或干预的结果.  护理小组会处理这些信息 as privately as it can sharing information only with internal employees that may need 知道或意识到情况.


Faculty have a unique opportunity to intervene when a student is in, or heading toward, 痛苦.  The majority of students at 十大彩票网赌平台 are committed to performing well academically.  When a student’s academic performance is poor or declines throughout the semester - this may be a sign of the student struggling in other areas.  教师经常 the first to know when students need additional support.  下面列出了一些事情 faculty should 在确定值得关注的学生时要考虑:

  • Class attendance – Has the student missed multiple classes? 这个学生不及格吗? 来满足你们的出勤规定? 你有 noticed a change in the student’s attendance 随着学期的进行?
  • Quality of assignments – Has the quality of the student’s assignments declined? Is the student turning assignments in later or not at all? 作业的内容 concern you or allude to other problems the student may be experiencing?
  • Receipt of concerning information – Has the student shared information with you that seems to imply 痛苦 in other areas of the student’s life? 你收到邮件了吗 that shares personal information not relevant to your course or assignment?
  • Noticeable changes in the student’s behavior or appearance – Do you have concerns 关于一个学生在课堂上的行为? 学生是否有问题 同行? 你有 noticed a significant change in the student’s appearance or mood?
  • Does the student make remarks about hopelessness, being a burden, not having a purpose, feel trapped, and make remarks about self-harm or suicide ideation? 这些类型 意见应转发给护理小组.

​Please consider filling a Care Team Report if you have concerns about a student’s 情绪状态.  While one of the concerns listed above, alone, may not trigger a Care Team Report, a combination of these concerns may be cause for concern.  任何信息 you submit may initiate the process of identifying a student in 痛苦, or may add to information we already have about a student of concern.



Students are often the first to know when one of their friends or 同行 is struggling.  For this reason, students are likely to be the most helpful in getting another student 连接到适当的校园资源.  通常,其他学生看到和听到什么 苦苦挣扎的学生真正在体验.

Students are encouraged to submit a Care Team report when there is significant reason 关心另一个学生.  下面的列表提供了一些领域 在确定值得关注的学生时要考虑.

  • Disengaging or isolating – disengagement from activities of which the person was previously 感兴趣.
  • Missing mu​lt​iple classes and assignments – Is the student choosing not to go to 即使旷课也会被扣分? 他们是否在多个方面落后 课程或多个作业?  他们缺课是因为其他原因吗 重要的是,活动?
  • Noticeable change in the student’s behavior or appearance – Do you have concerns about 学生的行为? 这个学生在与同龄人交往方面有困难吗?  你有 noticed a significant change in the student’s appearance or mood?
  • Problematic behaviors – Are you concerned about the amount of alcohol or drugs the 个人正在消费? Are they participating in behaviors that are unhealthy and 你担心吗??  Are they seemingly reckless with their choices and actions?
  • Receipt of concerning information – Has the individual told you information that has 你关心他们的幸福? 你觉得学生能从中受益吗 十大彩票网赌平台服务的支持?  你是否感到“不知所措”??
  • Does the individual make remarks about hopelessness, being a burden, not having a purpose, feel trapped, and make remarks about self-harm or suicide ideation? 这些 评论类型应转发给护理小组.

While a single instance of one of the concerns listed above may not trigger a Care Team Report, a combination of these situations may be cause for concern.  任何信息 you submit may initiate the process of identifying an individual in 痛苦, or may add to information we already have about a student of concern.
